Thursday, June 10, 2010

SAV-ON Records Third Straight Month of Incredible PEMCO Policy Sales

For the third month in a row, SAV-ON Insurance is on a record-setting pace for selling PEMCO policies.
After establishing a new record of 84 new policies in March, SAV-ON obliterated that total, writing 111 policies in April. Continuing that torrid pace, they wrote 85 policies in May, for a total of 280 policies in three months! (These counts include not only auto insurance, but all lines of business that PEMCO insures.)
"We've been amazed at the number of PEMCO policies that SAV-ON has sold, and we hope they're able to continue this trend," said PEMCO Community Agent Supervisor Steve Milliren. "I can't say enough about the commitment, the loyalty, and the direction of the SAV-ON leaders, as well as the fantastic work done by their dedicated front-line staff. With their help, we're moving closer to meeting our customer growth goal."
In appreciation of SAV-ON's exceptional work, PEMCO sent balloons and congratulations to all the SAV-ON offices. They also treated SAV-ON employees to a Sounders FC soccer game on June 10th in an executive suite at Qwest Field, complete with catered food and beverages. In addition, each SAV-ON Insurance office will get a PEMCO lunch at the restaurant of their choosing!
How do they do it? With a focus on customer service, ongoing staff training and incentive programs to build customer referrals. Central to all this is the new "Client Care Center", which strives to contact customers nearing their renewal period, finding out if their insurance needs have changed, and making sure they have the best coverage at the lowest price. SAV-ON's biggest goal is to move customers from high-risk to preferred status drivers. Once they are preferred, they can become PEMCO customers.
"Our ultimate goal is to sell policies in the triple digits for PEMCO each month," Phil states. "We have a strong sales team, and we're excited about selling PEMCO policies. We really appreciate our partnership and the way PEMCO has helped us reach these heights."
June already has the makings of another big month, which would add to the lofty sales figures for a fourth straight month. With a dedicated team, and good, low rates from a terrific insurance company, who knows how long this could continue?

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