How Do Red Light Cameras Work?
Red light cameras are mounted at selected signalized intersections, and automatically photograph vehicles whose drivers run red lights. A red light camera system is connected to the traffic signal and to sensors that monitor traffic at the crosswalk or stop line. The camera is triggered by any vehicle entering the intersection above a preset minimum speed and following a specified time after the signal has turned red. Many red light camera programs provide motorists with grace periods up to 1/2 second, but it is up to each municipality to determine what grace period, if any, will be allowed. Cameras record the date, time of day, time elapsed since the beginning of the red signal, vehicle speed and license plate. Tickets are typically mailed to the registered owner, based on a review of the photographic evidence.
Effective Accident Reduction
Accident statistics support the contention that these cameras are effective in substantially reducing traffic accidents. Highway Safety Institute evaluations in Fairfax, Virginia and Oxnard, California, showed that camera enforcement reduced red-light-running violations by about 40 percent. In addition, this effectiveness carried over to other signalized intersections not equipped with red light cameras, indicating community-wide changes in driver behavior. An Institute evaluation of red light cameras in Philadelphia found that after red light violations were reduced by 36 percent following increased yellow signal timing, and the addition of red light cameras further reduced red light violations by 96 percent. In the Oxnard, Calif. study, injury crashes were reduced by 29 percent after red light cameras were in operation. Front-into-side collisions -- the crash type most closely associated with red light running -- were reduced by 32 percent overall, and front-to-side crashes resulting in injuries were reduced by 68 percent!

New Orleans, LA -- Red light cameras led to an 85% drop in red light running and speed cameras led to an 84% drop in speeding.
Council Bluffs, IA -- 90% reduction in red light running crashes.
Washington, DC -- Red light running fatalities were reduced from 16 to 2 in the first two years of red light cameras.
Fairfax, VA -- 44% reduction in red light running crashes.
Oxnard, CA -- 22% reduction in red light crashes citywide.
New York City -- 34% reduction in red light violations.
Who is Responsible for the Ticket?
Each state has its own set of rules determining who is responsible for running a red light. 25 states currently have red light camera enforcement, and each has its own set of rules and limitations. In Washington state, which is one of the states that does, it is the registered owner's responsibility, whether or not they were driving the car. A ticket for running a red light can mean up to a $250 maximum fine, but does not go on the violator's driving record. It is treated like a parking ticket.
Red Light Cameras are Popular with the Public
A 2002 nationwide survey by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and conducted by the Gallup Organization found that 75 percent of drivers favored the use of red light cameras. a 1996 survey by the Insurance Research Council found that the highest support for red light cameras was in large cities, where 83 percent of respondents supported their use. There are opponents of this kind of enforcement, but so far its legality has stood up in court challenges.
References: Insurance Industry for Highway; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Wikipedia; National Campaign to Stop Red Light Running
We estimate due to voting over 70% peoples of one city called for a speed camera, but a speed camera would not have prevented this. to prevent pedestrian accidents govt has to follow strict policy against them who don't follow traffic rules & imposing speed limits. because Motor vehicles and small children pedestrians can make for a dangerous combination in every city.
Safety Signs
22 percent of all traffic accidents in the United States are caused by drivers running red lights. Every year, these accidents kill some 800 people and rack up an estimated $7 billion dollars in property damage, medical bills, lost productivity and insurance hikes.
Thanks for this post, I've been wondering about this a lot lately.
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