Now that the weather has turned wet and cold, drivers need to be more cautious then ever when traveling on roads and highways. Wet roadways, combined with the colder temperatures, means you could encounter heavy fog, and road surfaces will be more slippery, especially in shaded areas. Visibility goes down and gives drivers less time to respond to something in the road ahead. Fog can be the most visually limiting driving condition you face.
Tips for Driving in Fog:
• Take all fog-related weather warnings seriously. They are there for a reason!
• Turn off the radio and open your window a little to listen for car horns or engines. You may hear something before you see it.

• Turn on wipers, defroster and low-beam headlights. Never use high beams, as they only light up the fog and make seeing more difficult. Moisture in the air can accumulate quickly on the windshield, so adjust your windshield wiper speed and defroster fan as needed.
• Slow down! Pay close attention to the road ahead, increasing the distance between you and the car in front of you from two to five seconds. In case they have to slam on the brakes, you want to avoid a collision. It doesn’t matter what the posted speed limit is, slow it down and be ready to stop at a moment’s notice.
• Use your fog lights. If you have fog lights, use them. They help with site distance, since they're mounted lower and illuminate more of the road surface. Yellow fog lights work better than white fog lights, as they don't reflect off the fog as brightly.
If it gets too foggy and conditions are too dangerous, it’s best to stop at a rest area or exit the road and go to a protected area. If there is no exit readily available, pull safely off to the right side of the road and turn your emergency flashers on. Once conditions improve, then continue cautiously on your way.