We've compiled a short list
of tasks that you can do to help care for your home, vehicle and
family. Consider them helpful reminders
of what needs to get accomplished throughout the month to keep your important
items protected.
Make A Home Inventory - January is all about getting organized, right? So what better time to document what you own
in case you were to suffer a serious insurance loss (like a fire). Grab your cell phone and make a short video
of each room in your home, focusing on big ticket items. Many times, it’s difficult for our clients to
remember every little possession after the shock of a large claim. You’ll be glad you took the time to make the
videos if you ever need them.
Deep Clean Your Dryer Vent - A large percentage of home fires begin in the clothes
dryer! Lint builds up in the vent and
hose which can spark a fire. Unhook the
hose and vacuum the area well on a regular basis to keep your home protected.
Organize Your Warranties - Do you have a big pile of warranties, product documents,
and receipts stuffed in your desk drawer?
Do you even own those items anymore? These days, many owners manuals can be found online without taking up
valuable drawer storage. Also consider
scanning and keeping a digital file of your receipts and warranties for easy
storage and retrieval if needed.
Check Your Circuit Breakers - How often do you actually look in
the breaker box? Open it up and make
sure the labels are correct and readable. If you are trying to isolate a certain area of the home, it will be extremely frustrating if you're trying to figure out which breaker is the correct one. Also, it's a good idea to stash a spare flashlight (with working batteries) close by in case
of a power outage. Finally, make sure that all breaker switches are clicked all the way on. A "tripped" circuit breaker will mean a loss of power somewhere in your home or garage. If it's a refrigerator, that means a bunch of spoiled food that you will need to throw out.

Know Your Deductibles - When was the last time you reviewed your
deductibles? This is what you would pay
out-of-pocket in the event of an insurance claim. It’s a good idea to keep this amount in your
savings account so it’s available when you need it. Feel free to give us a call to review all of
your insurance policies in detail.
January is
a great time to get organized for the new year! Let SAV-ON Insurance Agencies know if we can help in any way!
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