Check Gutters - Take a few minutes to make sure your gutters are clear. With rain and falling leaves, gutters will be working overtime. By making sure they’re clear now, you’ll avoid water damage later on.

Gather Firewood - Will you be burning a wood stove or fireplace this winter? Start gathering up dry firewood now and save yourself from the task when it’s cold and rainy outside. Rain-soaked wood won't do you any good!
Seal Your Windows - Before the rain and cold start seeping in through any cracked or worn window frames, reseal the edges with all-weather caulk. This will save you money on your fall and winter heating bills!
Plant Fall Flowers - Your summer flowers may have wilted since the arrival of colder evening temperatures, but that doesn't mean you can't have an attractive garden! Now is a great time to start planting some fall flowers. Mums make a great addition to your front porch!
Save On Homeowners Insurance - Homeowners Insurance is an important part of protecting your belongings. To make sure you have the best coverage, call SAV-ON today for a free, no obligation quote. 888-867-2866.
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