Tires are one item on your vehicle that many people take for granted until something bad happens due to tire failure. As the weather starts to get colder and wetter this fall, tires play an important part in keeping you on the road and out of the ditch.
Tire Pressure
It's important to have all of your tires inflated to the proper pounds per square inch (PSI). Under inflation can lead to premature tire wear and failure. The proper amount of inflation is specified by the vehicle manufacturer and is shown on the door edge, door post, glove box door or fuel door. It's also listed on the owner's manual.
You should...
• Check tire pressure about once a month or before long trips
• Check when tires are cool. It's best to check before driving, as tires need at least 3 hours to cool.
• Inspect tires to make sure there are no nails or other objects embedded in them. Even if they haven't punctured the tire at that time, continuing to drive on these could put a hole in the tire and cause a flat. Also, check the sidewalls to make sure there are no gouges, cuts, bulges or other irregularities.
Keep in mind that tire inflation pressure increases in warm weather and decreases in cold weather by
1-2 psi for every 10 degrees of temperature difference.
Have your tire alignment checked periodically, as specified by the vehicle's owner's manual, or right away if you feel your vehicle "pulling" to one side or the other. Also, have your tires balanced. Tires wear will increase dramatically if your alignment is off.
Tire Rotation
It's important to have your tires rotated approximately every 5,000 to 8,000 miles to prevent uneven tire wear. Most vehicles are now front-wheel-drive, and so the front tires wear at a greater rate than the rear. By rotating the front to the back (and switching the front left tire to the right rear, and the front right tire to the left rear), your tire life will increase substantially.
Worn tires can't channel water away from the surfaces as effectively. |
Tire Tread
After there is 2/32 of an inch or less tread left on a tire, it is illegal to drive on them. Traction, especially in inclement weather, is dangerous. Worn tires can "hydroplane" in wet weather and cause the vehicle to lose control of the road, as the tread that would channel the water away from the tire is gone. An easy way to check this is to put a penny upside down into a tread groove. If part of Lincoln's head is covered by the tread, you're OK, but if you can see all of his head, then you need to buy a new tire.
Fall and winter means more challenging driving. Make sure you have properly functioning tires that are fully inflated and have plenty of tread to carry you safely through the upcoming bad weather.
And remember, if
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