It seems like there's always one house in the neighborhood that goes all out during the holidays. You might have a neighbor like that in your neighborhood, or maybe it's you! But even decorating for the holidays can be dangerous. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission around 10,000 people are seen in emergency rooms every year as the result of burns, falls, shocks and cuts they received in the midst of holiday decorating.
Evergreen trees are a mainstay in many homes over the holidays. And while they are beautiful, the CPSC says trees can easily become fire traps.
According to a recent survey by the Commission dried out trees start more than 200 fires each year - some of which are fatal. But there are a few things consumers can do to avoid a tragedy during the holiday season.
The freshest trees are the least combustible, so live trees should have green needles that are difficult to pull from branches, don't break when bent and don't fall off if the tree is tapped on the ground. The tree's bottom should be sticky with resin. All trees - live or artificial - should be kept away from fireplaces, radiators and high traffic areas in the home.
Holiday lights, while adding to a festive holiday atmosphere, can also be a source of house fires. Opt for newer lights that have been tested by a nationally recognized laboratory, such as the Underwriters Laboratory (UL). Holiday lights should have thick wiring, and should be devoid of broken or cracked sockets, loose connections and frayed or bared wires. If lights are going to be used outdoors, they should be marked as such. Avoid extension cords unless they are specifically designed for lighting use.
Never use electric lights on a metallic tree, as this can pose an electrocution hazard.
Finally, while Santa likes stockings hung at the chimney, he asks that it be done with care. A screen should be placed around the fireplace to keep sparks from coming into contact with decorations, furniture or other flammable items. It is also not a good idea to burn wrapping paper or plastic materials in a fireplace. And fire salts, which are used to
produce colored flames, must kept away from children. The CPSC says they
contain heavy metals which can cause gastrointestinal problems and vomiting if eaten.
Holiday decorating accidents don't have to ruin anyone's fun this year. By keeping in mind these simple tips, the season can be truly joyous for all.